Move better

to perform betterto feel betterto live better

By freeing habitual patterns,
we can more fully express
the creativity within us.

Move better

to live better

By freeing habitual patterns,
we can more fully express
the creativity within us.

It is all about

Redesigning the way we move

100% Results

Fine-tuned sessions that fits your needs

You will feel the difference

You will feel the difference

“Being a professional soccer player for the Danish national team, as well as for clubs like AGF, AB, Everton and Ipswich, I have, over the years, met innumerable specialists and physiotherapists. I have never met anyone, though, with the same approach and treatment as Paulo Franco.
I contacted Paulo in March 2011 after a serious case of a prolapsed disc, which arose during a game of golf. I had great problems with my back, which had also put a stop to my career as professional soccer player. The prolapsed disc resulted in pain radiating down my leg, plus drop foot, and I was totally laid low by the pain for three months. The doctor’s recommendation was for rest, but I had trouble accepting a future of sitting still. Paulo’s most pronounced comment on my first visit was: “There is no quick-fix solution to your problem”. I had to get used to the idea that no quick solution would help me in the long run. Based on Paulo’s strategy of how my injury should be treated, I took on the challenge. His methods worked and made me feel stronger than ever before! After only a few months I was back on the golf course and free of pain. As I said at the start, I have never met anyone who uses the same methods as Paulo and who obtains results with a natural approach to the functions of the body.”

Claus Thomsen

“I started going to Paulo after a long period of escalating back pain, which became so severe that I couldn’t sit in my office chair for more than three quarters of an hour at a time, and periodically I had to rise during the night and walk around. Before going to Paulo for the first time I was examined at a private hospital, and it was established that my lower back was too straight. The message from the chief physician was that I would just have to live with the pain. That was obviously not a satisfactory answer! After quarter of an hour with Paulo he could tell me pretty much the same as the doctors, just with the difference that through training I could become free of pain. After three months I had no pain in daily life, and now I never experience pain.
I have been going to Paulo for a year now, and not only do I enjoy being free of pain, but also being much stronger, and have gained more energy and stamina. Paulo’s knowledge of the body and the way we use it – not only during training, but also in our everyday life – is unique, and extends way beyond the confines of his training space. I also used the first period with Paulo on dietary changes, tailor-made for me. It isn’t so easy, but Paulo is a good guide who has always given an answer that has helped to solve the challenges that arise in such a process. In short, I have, with Paulo’s help, changed my view of my own body and health, and have created results that last.”

Dorthe Wildfang

“I had a terrible pain in my neck around Christmas time and I was very dizzy. Everybody who have been dizzy for a long period of time knows how disabling it is. I tried physiotherapy, but it did not help at all. I was recommended a MR scanning and was told that I had arthrosis in my neck. Nothing to do with that, said my doctor. You have to live with it.But then I thought about Paulo Franco. He is fantastic! After 8 treatments my dizziness disappeared and the pain in my neck was almost gone. I decided to have 8 more treatments to be sure I had recovered.

Paulo’s knowledge of the human body is special. He gave me exercises for the whole body, not only for the neck, to strengthen all the muscles. I feel now that my mobility has returned and my dizziness has disappeared. Luckily I know where to go if the same problem should return. I will recommend Paulo to all my friends, for all kinds of physical problems. And I want to thank you, Paulo, for helping me, an old woman (67 years old) back to my “youth”.”

Marit Winther Hansen

Vi kan på det kraftigste anbefale Paulo!!
Vi har nu begge gennem de seneste to år besøgt Paulo 1-2 gange om ugen
Vi havde begge småskavanker efter mange år som aktive sportsudøvere. Udover småskavankerne havde Fini rygproblemer og Lisbeth en alvorlig fodskade, en næsten stiv fod og et kæmpe indlæg var nødvendigt. Alt det har Paulo hjulpet med at få væsentligt forbedret.
Vi startede ved Paulo for at få bugt med skavankerne med henblik på at vi fortsat begge kan være aktive med vores fritidsinteresser tennis, cykling, lange gåturer osv. Vi blev og er bestemt ikke blevet skuffet.
Paulo har en utrolig indlevelse i den enkelte og er fantastisk til at få øvelserne afstemt til den enkelte. Paulo tilpasser øvelserne til dig, så du får en succesoplevelse, mod og lyst til at” gå all in”. Paulo arbejder meget proffessionelt, koncentreret og meget oprigtigt med dig, det er en fornøjelse at besøge Paulo.
Vi giver Paulo de allerbedste anbefalinger.

Fini og Lisbeth Jørgensen

“I am a dentist working hard and with a lot of daily stress. After a long period with severe pain in my shoulders and arms and different treatments without results, surgery was proposed to me but without any guarantee of cure. Luckily a friend of mine, also a dentist told me of the good results she had achieved with Paulo and I contacted him. In a consultation he explained that surgery was not needed and he could help me if I was patient.
Paulo guided me online over a period of a few months. Finally, I was able to have a normal daily life again without pain in my shoulders. After the pain has gone we started to work on mind function, dietary changes, breathing and grounding techniques. Paulo has a lot of knowledge and practical experience on these matters.
My sessions with Paulo were in Skype, which was working perfect for me because I didn’t need to leave home! I can strongly recommend sessions in Skype.
I still continue the sessions in this very special atmosphere of professionality, positivity and understanding. I’m looking forward to every session and can strongly recommend Paulo as an extremely professional, competent and caring person.”

Hanne Simonsen